Moments filtering and talk time chart

This week, along with several stability improvements and bug fixes, we released two important features that will deliver you improved insights and .

Our conversations are comprised of a series of interwoven moments and all humans process and recall our conversations in this format. Ovida works by identifying those moments in much the same way our brains do, but with the advantage of unlimited processing power. We highlight these key moments on the session timeline, enabling simple navigation and review of coaching sessions.

With the release of our moments filter, Coaches, supervisors and coachees can now filter key moments by type, displaying only those they are interested in. This helps you achieve your objective of rapid, efficient and insightful session review. Look out in coming weeks for the addition of important new moment types that will deepen your understanding of your coaching sessions.

Talk time is an important element of coaching sessions - how much and when a coach chooses to talk directly impacts coachee outcomes. But this is a fiendishly difficult thing to be aware of during a session. This week we released an **aggregate talk time chart,** which will be visible on all sessions completed after 25 March. The data allows a coach or supervisor to view an objective measure of their actual session talk time. It’s important to note that although there are various guidelines on what an appropriate share of talk time is, context is important, and there is no right or wrong number. Our large data set though clearly demonstrates that more experienced coaches have lower aggregate talk times than less experienced coaches.

In coming weeks look out for further talk time metrics to help you develop deeper insights into how you use time in your sessions.


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